What Indeed is Web Hosting Reseller?
Hosting is the solution you demand so as to make your web site reachable on the web for the entire world to see. There are a lot of people who desire to set up their own personal web site, which is the reason why the hosting industry niche is blooming and throbbing with life.
Sell hosting solutions, take a chunk of the pie yourself!
Why not be a web hosting vendor then? 'What about all the trouble of leasing servers, charging customers, hiring staff and going around data centers to decide which one is the best?', you might exclaim. No, no, that is not how it is being done anymore! You can be a web hosting reseller! That's correct - you can sell the hosting solutions provided by another hosting distributor, under your very own personal brand. This method is not new and has been increasing in popularity as a way to earn decent money on the side. It can be a chief source of revenue for you too, but that totally depends on how serious you are about investing time in luring clients. Yup, winning customers - that is your predominant task as a hosting reseller, even though, depending on the reseller web hosting company you are using, you might need to also create your website and bill and support your clients yourself.
The easiest way to be a web hosting reseller
There is an option to avoid all that. It is the unique Free Reseller Program, offered by ResellersPanel. With them, you do not have to buy any of the web hosting solutions upfront yourself - you simply sign up for a web hosting reseller account, which offers marketing tools and a lot of price and web hosting product modification options. Their customer support department is quite supportive.
Web Hosting Reseller
They permit you to resell all their products - from shared web hosting plans to dedicated hosting servers. We also offer semi-dedicated and VPSs (VPSs). With their virtual web server hosting packages and dedicated hosting servers they offer 3 web hosting Control Panels and a cost-free invoicing tool - ClientExec. They will activate it for you as soon as you request it, because it cannot be instantaneously installed without some supplementary details needed from you.
The best part about their reseller web hosting scheme, though, is that there are no restrictions as to how much you can sell. There are no server hard disk storage space or monthly traffic quota limits, there are no limitations on the number of customers you can accommodate. You are like a portal through which clients pour into a boundlessly vast pizzeria and begin ordering whatever meal they want - the battalion in the kitchen will furnish everything that's on the menu for each and every guest that shows up.
They have a cPanel reseller web hosting program as well. They are able to offer you a superb customer service and your shared web hosting, VPS, semi-dedicated packages and dedicated package customers will obtain the same kind of professional aid. The cPanel website hosting customers, though, remain your responsibility, but you can migrate them over to a non-cPanel hosting solution in order to concentrate more on the marketing side.